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How Much is a Down Payment on a House?

Finding a home that you love, is in your price range, and is available on your timeline can feel like a never-ending challenge. So, when you do finally find a home you can see yourself in, you want to jump on the opportunity and make an offer that sticks.

The truth is, in today’s housing market, it’s likely that you will have to make an offer on more than one home. Selecting a home that works for you is only one step of the home-buying process—you also have to put in an offer that is more enticing than offers from other potential home buyers. There’s a balance, though; you don’t want to overshoot and end up paying more than the house is worth, either. Like many home buyers, you may find that purchasing the perfect home is a bit trickier than you initially thought.

Don’t let this discourage you! While it may seem like a lot at first, following these essential steps on how to make an offer on a house will streamline the entire process. Even in a competitive seller’s market where there are more buyers than homes, there are many resources and experts that can help you seal the deal.

How To Make an Offer on a House

Making an offer on a house doesn’t need to be incredibly complicated, but it's as simple as contacting the seller with your offer. It takes preparation, strategy, and patience as you manage negotiations. Use these 8 fundamental steps to ensure that you aren’t missing anything vital when trying to get your offer accepted by the seller.

Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Before you even begin your big search for a home, it's best to determine how much you can afford and obtain pre-approval for a mortgage. This involves gathering your financial information, such as income, debts, and credit history, and submitting it to a lender. The lender evaluates your information and provides a pre-approval letter stating the loan amount you qualify for, which you can then use for several future steps.

Pre-approval gives you a better idea of your budget and demonstrates to sellers that you are a serious buyer. Pre-approval appeals to sellers because they know you can actually pay for what you offer on a house and they can get their home sold faster since you’ve already processed a lot of paperwork. This means sellers will likely favor you over other buyers, which can also add to your peace of mind by allowing you to make an instant offer on the home you love without worrying that another buyer will swoop in and outbid you

Find a Real Estate Agent

Once you get pre-approved for a loan, it’s time to look for a real estate agent. A real estate agent can be instrumental in guiding you through the home-buying process, though it can be hard to find an agent you trust and who fits your needs as a buyer. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or research online to find a reputable agent. Better yet, can pair you with the ideal agent for you and your area.

Look into each potential agent you are considering to ensure that they understand your needs, have experience in the local market, and will work well with you. Once you select an agent, they will assist you with finding suitable properties, scheduling viewings, and providing guidance throughout the process.

Some people want to figure out how to make an offer on a house without a realtor or real estate agent, but using a licensed expert can actually help the home-buying process go more smoothly and save you money in the long run. Having a built-in ally that is trying to get you a great deal on a home can make all the difference when it comes time to make an offer.

Find the Right Home

House hunting is both exciting and sometimes tiring since it can take time to find the home you want. With the help of your real estate agent, you can begin searching for properties that meet your criteria. Consider factors such as location, size, amenities, and proximity to schools, work, and other important facilities. You should also attend open houses and viewings whenever possible to get a firsthand look at potential homes. Take notes and compare properties to determine which one best suits your needs and preferences.

Some things to consider when you are searching for the home you want to live in include:

  • Needed repairs, maintenance, or renovations. The initial price tag isn’t the only cost that may come with a home. You also have to consider any repairs or renovations the home might need, which will impact your budget and your eventual offer.
  • Potential competition. If you’ve found a wonderful home for a decent price, be prepared to put up a bit of a fight to get that home. A great home may lead to bidding wars or prolong the home-buying process, which isn’t a bad thing—you just need to be prepared, both mentally and financially.
  • How long the house has been on the market. Some sellers may be more motivated to sell their home if their house has been on the market for a couple of months. You may have less competition for a home that’s been up for a while and you may even be able to offer a lower price if the seller wants the home off of their hands.
  • Home prices of similar homes. Look at comparable homes that are in your price range to gauge if the asking price is fair, what kind of amenities you can expect, how other homes in the area compare, or other factors that may affect the price or appeal of the home.
Consider Your Budget

It’s easy to get weighed down by the financial stress of home buying—sometimes it may feel like everything comes back to money. But, while money isn’t everything, it is important to set realistic goals and expectations in terms of price.

Evaluate your finances and determine how much you can comfortably afford for a down payment, monthly mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. How much money are you really willing to put down on property? Take into account your pre-approved loan amount and calculate your budget accordingly. It's crucial to strike a balance between finding a home you love and ensuring it aligns with your financial situation. Once you have a set financial range, stick to your budget to make the rest of this process a whole lot easier.

Determine Your Offer, Contingencies, & Timeline

Once you've identified the home you want to purchase, you need to decide on the details of your offer. Consider factors such as the purchase price, contingencies (e.g., home inspection, financing, appraisal), and the timeline for closing the deal. Discuss these aspects with your real estate agent, who can provide guidance based on market conditions and negotiations with the seller.

Take contingencies for example. Contingencies are clauses that you can put into your offer to protect you and your earnest money, so they are important. However, contingencies also add more risk to the seller, so discussing what contingencies need to be included or waived with your agent can be a deciding factor for sellers on the fence about an offer acceptance.

Submit The Offer

After finalizing the offer details, your agent will submit the offer to the seller or their listing agent. The offer typically includes a purchase agreement, earnest money deposit, and more. Standard offer letters will have the following information:

  • Name of seller
  • Property address
  • Name on title
  • Offer price
  • Earnest money deposit
  • Contingencies
  • List of fees/closing costs
  • Closing dates
  • Move-in dates
  • Deadline to responsd

With a real estate agent, you don’t have to worry about this step all that much since they do the bulk of the work here. You will mainly just need to look it over to ensure the information is accurate to your knowledge and sign it. Your agent should ensure that you are following any state regulations or other local laws.

Negotiate the Offer and Terms

Remember that nothing is immediately set in stone when you submit an offer—it’s normal and even expected to do a little bargaining. Negotiations may take place between you and the seller to reach mutually acceptable terms, which will largely involve your real estate agent. Negotiating can go back and forth for some time as you discuss the purchase price, contingencies, repairs, or other conditions of the sale. Your real estate agent will advocate for your interests and help navigate the negotiation process.

Ultimately, the seller will review your offer and may accept, reject, or counter it with changes. It’s fairly easy if the seller accepts your offer right away and you can just right into the next step. A seller may also come back with a counteroffer, and you can accept their offer as is, but if you aren’t comfortable with their conditions you can also make your own counteroffer. If you can’t come to an agreement, you can also decline their counteroffer and move on to other homes.

If a seller rejects your offer, don’t take it personally or get discouraged. It’s possible that you lowballed the offer or another buyer came in and offered more; sometimes the seller just isn’t ready to actually sell. Whatever the case, you can jump back up and take the rejection as a learning opportunity for your next round of negotiations.

Find a Real Estate Agent

Once both parties agree on the terms, a legally binding contract is drafted, commonly known as the purchase agreement. The contract outlines the details of the sale, including the purchase price, contingencies, timeline, and any other specific conditions. Carefully review the contract, ask any questions, and make sure you understand and agree to all the terms. When you're satisfied, sign the contract along with the seller, and the deal moves forward toward the closing process. From there, your lender will order the appraisal, you can set up the home inspection, and conduct any other necessary processes before officially closing the deal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a respectable offer on a home?

Do I need a loan before making an offer?

How do I make the best offer on a house?

Where can I learn more?