Homebay - SOLD.com
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What sets Home Bay apart
An experienced local agent assists you remotely, every step of the way. Plus, you have a full support team ready to help 7 days a week!
Why Home Bay
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"The process saved us time and a lot of money."

B Riley
How it works
Sell for more
Homes listed with Home Bay typically get $15,279 more than the industry average.
Less risk
94% of Home Bay sales happen within 90 days.
More convenience
Smart technology moves your home sale along free of headaches.
What's included
Dedicated agent + full support team

An experienced local agent assists you remotely, every step of the way. Plus, you have a full support team ready to help, 7 days a week!

Professional photography

We make sure your home is seen in its best light with professional photography. You approve the photos, we do the rest.

Yard Sign
Yard sign

A professional yard sign is included with your listing setup fee. Just say the word and we'll have it installed for you (or sent in the mail if you live in a rural area).

MLS access
MLS access

We publish your listing to the local MLS and all other syndicated sites (e.g. Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, Realtor.com, etc...) so your listing is seen everywhere online.

Disclosure forms
Forms & disclosures

Disclosure forms, counter-offers, NHD... we have everything you need without the burden of paper or stress of missing something important.

Pricing Assistance
Pricing assistance

We advise you on a pricing strategy and provide a detailed property value report which includes a best-in-class comparative market analysis.


We made the right decision when choosing to have Home Bay help sell our house over a traditional realtor. The process saved us time and a lot of money. Our broker, Elena Little, was great to work with. She was always there when we needed her and always had our best interest in mind when providing advice. We will definitely choose them again in the future."

B Riley