Trelora -
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What sets TRELORA apart
Full-service realty, the smart way! Trelora is a modern real estate brokerage. Our top-rated agents save you thousands when you buy or sell your home. We believe you should keep more of your hard earned equity without having sacrificing service.
Full service at a discount
Zillow rating
Saved our clients over
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"Fantastic company with an A + team... You can't go wrong with TRELORA."

Ian C.
How it works
Free Listing Consultation
No cost, no obligation meeting with one of our local experts to discuss pricing and marketing strategy, set expectations, and discuss next steps.
List Your Home
Full service starting with professional photography, MLS listing, social media marketing, contract and disclosure coordination, sign in your yard, showings and open houses!
Sell Your Home
A dedicated team of expert agents guide you with top tier communication, advice, and support. We strive to maximize your homes equity, simplify the transaction, and serve you so to relieve your stress.
What's included
Local Agent
Listing Consultation with a Local Expert

Comparative Market Analysis, Pricing Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Staging advice, ROI advice, and Industry insights.

Professional Photo
Professional Photography

Trelora’s professional photographers know all the angles to make your home shine.

Price Help
On the Market

From MLS listing to digital marketing to open houses, your agent and their team will get your home the exposure it deserves.

Negotiation & Closing Paperwork
Negotiate a Deal

Your Listing Agent will watch the market and guide you through negotiations with buyers, getting you the best possible deal.