6 Things to Ask Before a Bathroom Renovation

As we mentioned in our previous post, renovating any part of your home is a pretty big deal. It can impact your day to day life, your home’s resale value, and, of course, your bank account. That’s why we’ve started a new series where we’re going room by room, offering some due diligence pointers for wannabe remodelers.

Last time, we focused on the kitchen. In today’s post, we’re talking toilets! That’s right: Today’s post is all about the bathroom. What should homeowners ask themselves before embarking on a bathroom renovation? We’ve got six key questions below.

But first, a brief reminder: If you’re looking to get your house sold, you can always claim a free seller’s report from SOLD.com. You’ll get individualized house selling tips, learn whether you should consider selling your own property, etc. Request your report at any time.

What to Ask Before Remodeling Your Bathroom

Here are some critical areas for self-assessment before any bathroom renovation.

How much space do you have to work with?

Bathroom renovation is an avenue for dreaming big and thinking creatively… but it also requires some practical considerations. Start by evaluating how much space is available to you. Some bathrooms give you plenty of room for all your dreamed-of perks and amenities, but others may be more restrictive, leaving you with just enough room for the necessities. You can have a nice bathroom either way, but it’s important to begin with some realistic parameters.

How much bathroom storage do you need?

Do you have a big, accommodating linen closet just down the hall? If so, then you may not need as many storage solutions in the bathroom itself. But not everyone is so lucky, and you may need to ensure a bathroom overhaul that affords you some creative spaces to stow your toiletry essentials.

Do you want a bathtub, shower, or both?

One of the key facets of your bathroom will be the shower or tub. You may want to choose one over the other. You may have space for both. You may want a combination bath/shower unit. And you may want to start thinking about what your needs might be when you are older, or when elderly family members move in with you, ensuring an easy-entry shower or tub. The point is, there’s a lot to think about, and this is one of the main areas of concern as you begin your renovation.

Who will be using the bathroom?

Along the same lines, think about who is likely to be using the bathroom… now and in the future. For example, if you think elderly people will be using it, you may want a shower with a seat in it. But if it’s a bathroom for kids, a tub may be important. Also note that tubs are prized by families with young kids, so installing a bathtub may be a smart move if you’re looking to get the place sold any time soon.

How much will the renovation impact your home life?

There’s just no way around it: Bathroom remodeling projects are always going to leave you with some temporary inconveniences. How inconvenient, exactly? Well, the typical timeframe for a full bathroom remodel is about 25 days. That may put a strain on family life, especially if you don’t have other bathrooms in the house! Make sure you plan about how you and your loved ones will weather this rocky period.

What amenities are important to you?

Finally, we’d encourage you to make a wish list of all the comforts and amenities you want in your new bathroom… ideally, a list ranked by your must-haves and your want-to-haves. Be clear about the big-ticket items for your bathroom remodel.

Learn More About Home Renovations (And Selling Your Own Property)

Those are a few things to think about as you anticipate a bathroom remodel. We’ll be back next time with another set of remodeling questions, this time focused on the garage.

And remember, if you’re looking for more specific house selling tips, you can always claim your seller’s report from SOLD.com! Get yours today and receive an individualized recommendation for how to get your property to market.